The Student Coalition for Corporate Responsibility (SCCR), led by students at the Dwight Hall SRI Fund at Yale University, and supported by the SIILK Network, is a coalition dedicated to shareholder advocacy. The SCCR brings student-led investment funds from around the country together to coordinate shareholder engagement initiatives designed to make companies more socially responsible.
Additionally, the SCCR works to educate students about the progressive potential of finance. By speaking on university campuses across the United States, publishing SRI-related op-eds in school newspapers, and elevating ongoing shareholder engagement campaigns via social media, the SCCR hopes to transform how young people perceive both activism and investing.
Current Activities and Ways to Get Involved:
The Student Coalition for Corporate Responsibility Slack Workspace: This Slack Workspace is a space for participants to share resources, best practices, and coordinate engagement efforts.
Additional Resources on Shareholder Engagement: Shareholder engagement addresses material investment risks, improves corporate sustainability performance, and supports policies that move society towards sustainability through strategies including proxy voting, engaging in dialogue with companies held in the portfolio, filing or co-filing shareholder resolutions, and signing on to public investor letters or statements.
- List of Shareholder Engagement Resources
- Proxy Preview - Proxy Preview is the most comprehensive data on hundreds of shareholder resolutions - including environmental, corporate political spending, human rights, diversity, sustainable governance issues, and much more.
The Student Conference for Corporate Responsibility: This conference took place in April of 2019 at Yale University, and convened undergraduate and graduate students and faculty involved in running student-managed funds across the country, with the goal of broadening students' understanding of both sustainable finance and shareholder engagement.
If you are interested in contributing to this conversation and/or joining the SCCR, please join the Slack Workspace, and feel free to email Nicole Torrico at [email protected] to learn more.